Monday, March 23, 2009

Disaster Relief Mission Trip (Orange, TX)

Click on the street sign to check out some pics from the weekend:

Hurrican Ike left quite a mark on many of the houses and businesses in this area and we were fortunate to have partnered with Community Church to help with some repairs.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hurrican Ike - Disaster Relief Mission

(Click on pic for more info.)

HPBC Single's Ministry will be in Bridge City, TX from March 19 - 22 to partner with Common Gound Community Church and help "rebuild the walls" in the city. We will be doing light construction, painting, and supply distribution throughout the city. Check back soon for video testimonies from the trip and other pics of our activities!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Serpent of Eden

HPBC during Spring Break week is a little slower than normal. With half of the staff out on mission trips, for the first time in 2 1/2 years I had the opportunity to preach at the 6:00p.m. service! Once I can figure out how to upload either the audio or the video I will post it...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Child Advocacy with Compassion International

Hey everyone,

After spending a week with Compassion International ministries in Ecuador I wanted everyone who follows this blog to know what a top notch organization it is. I have never been more impressed with a Christian organization from the perspective of being run as a business with such professionalism, yet not sacrificing the quality of their work and ministry. Compassion is Christ Centered, runs all its programs through the local church, is credible, and is doing great kingdom work all over the world.

How many kids are being sponsered in the Child Advocacy promgram? January lists 1,129,216 currently registered children in the Compassion program. Of those, 964,608 are sponsored. Would you like to sponsor a child? For $32.00 a month (which amounts to not eating out one night this month) you can help change a life/family/community. Click on Compassion to learn more about how to get involved!